Could the COVID-19 Pandemic Lead to an Increase in Delivery Truck Crashes?

Many states have seen a major uptick in COVID-19 cases over the last few weeks. One way the pandemic has impacted Americans is the way they shop.

Due to the social distancing guidelines and other personal safety measures, fewer people are shopping in malls and retail stores. This has made online retail giants such as Amazon the “go-to” for retail items.

As a result, online retail outlets have placed a greater demand than ever on delivery drivers. While this can be beneficial for those who expect speedy deliveries, it can lead to consequences down the road.

How Can the Pandemic Lead to an Increase in Delivery Truck Crashes?

Here are the reasons why we could see an increase in delivery truck crashes:

  • Companies may hire whoever they can get. When the delivery demand is high, online retail companies will need to go to great lengths to ensure customer satisfaction. This could lead to some companies hiring drivers who lack the experience needed to operate a delivery truck or who aren’t properly licensed.
  • Drivers may be overworked. When drivers have to deliver hundreds of packages each day (many of which are next-day deliveries), they could become fatigued or stressed. This could lead to ignoring traffic safety laws, making careless mistakes and speeding through residential neighborhoods.
  • Shortage of delivery vehicles and cargo overloads. For some companies, there may not be an adequate amount of delivery vehicles available to keep up with the number of deliveries that must go out. This could lead to companies allowing drivers to use personal vehicles or rental vehicles that may not be safe or properly inspected. Companies may also allow drivers to overload vehicles with cargo, which could potentially lead to rollovers and cargo spills.
  • Distracted driving could increase. With limited time to deliver hundreds of packages, delivery drivers may attempt to multi-task or check cellphone notifications while driving. This could lead to crashes with other drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists, especially in residential areas.

How Can I Recover Damages if I Was Injured in an Accident With a Delivery Driver?

If you were injured in a crash with a delivery driver, you have the legal right to pursue a claim. When it comes to crashes involving trucks or delivery vehicles, crash victims may not be fully aware of the legal options available to them.

The best way to learn about your legal options is to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer who handles truck accident cases. The legal team at Mike Slocumb Law Firm know how to investigate truck crashes, deal with retail and trucking companies, and take on their insurance providers.

Your crash was caused by someone else’s error or recklessness. You should not have to pay out of pocket for medical expenses, lost wages, property damages or other losses. Let our team fight to maximize your compensation while you focus on recovery. To get started, contact us online and schedule your free case evaluation.